Way to Health

A unified platform for research and clinical deployments

Design, discover, and deploy personalized interventions at scale with re-usable modules.

Mix and match modules to tailor interventions for desired outcomes

Way to Health capabilities are built and made available as re-usable modules.

Researchers and clinicians have combined these modules in different ways to create innovative interventions rapidly, test them and quickly deploy them fully integrated with their EHR.


Two-way Texting

Communication with patients or study participants is key to engaging them. Choose from a variety of communication techniques or combine them tailored to a patient’s behavior. Texts can be sent out based on set schedules and / or rules. These configuration rules can be as simple as responding with a personalized “Great job, John” or as complex as evaluating blood pressure values and generating an in-basket message to the physician.

Survey Management

In cases where more data needs to be collected (demographics, symptoms, etc.), the system offers the ability to create surveys. Create your own survey using the built-in survey creation and deployment tool. These surveys can be sent out to patients based on specific schedules and simple or complex rules. Short surveys can be administrated over text as well.

Remote Monitoring

Vitals and Activity Monitoring

The platform integrates directly with a number of biomedical devices to capture vitals directly from the patient / participant. The kinds of vitals captured include blood pressure, medication adherence, sleep tracking, weight, blood glucose and many more continue to be added. Additional devices are added quickly on request.

Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Capture

The system also allows patients to report their PROs, adverse events (AEs), symptoms and more via structured or unstructured conversations. These can be patient initiated and follow decision trees of your choosing.

Randomized Controlled Trials

Arms & Randomization

Setup multiple arms for studies including a control arm. The platform also offers multiple computerized randomization of participants, including the configurable choices for stratified, blocked, weighted, and adaptive randomization strategies. Ongoing management of participants via a “triage” view is also available out-of-the-box.

Enrollment & eConsent

Setup customized enrollment flows to maximize participant uptake. Run virtual trials in any state and manage it all remotely using tools such as intake surveys and eConsenting. Way to Health has been used to support over 150 different studies and the platform, past and current Principal Investigators (PIs) have credibility among the research and funding communities.

Program & Survey Libraries

Program Library

All programs - research studies as well as clinical projects - are available to be built upon. The programs can be copied over in a couple of clicks and then modified as needed. This can accelerate RCT and clinical deployments and reduce launch time from months to days or weeks.

Survey Library

Programs implemented on Way to Health have utilized a number of survey instruments. Some are validated and others have been designed for project specific purposes. All of these are available for rapid re-use and deployment. Data collected from these can be stored in a custom or in our standardized models for easy analysis.

Behavioral Science & Economics

Gamification & Social

Games and social media are significant drivers of human behavior. The platform allows patients to earn points, level up, use lifelines and more. These features can be combined with peer competition or support.

Financial Incentives

Lotteries, loss and gain framed incentives and much more can be easily applied to activities - steps, weighings, pretty much any data gathered by the platform from any data source. Apply different strategies to different populations and depending on the type of activity.

Rules Engine

Schedule or event driven

All interventions require recurrence based on a defined period - hours, days, weeks or months or off an event (such as admission). Research studies or clinical deployments both require this to be further tailored by each arm or patient. The platform has been designed to support these use cases and more.

Alerts & Incidents

To maximize the productivity of staff and providers, the Way To Health platform allows for the creation of incidents or alerts whenever certain exception criteria are met. Configure notifications depending on the users role.

EHR integration

Bi-directional Integration

It is our belief that EHRs should be the system of record for all patient data. Additionally, any provider action needed should also be done via the EHR. With this in mind, the platform provides bi-directional integration currently with Epic (and additional EHRs on request).

Way to Health Inside

We offer multiple ways in which we can integrate with the EHR. Via embeds in the EHR itself, HL7 based, API (FHIR, Open.Epic, other) and many more as needed.

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